DumpPMUA has obtained the following records in connection with the SEVERANCE PACKAGES for Eric Watson and David Ervin who announced their resignation in March 2011. If you want to join us in our petition, please click here: PMUA Petition to Governor Christie
Monday, March 7, 2011 - PMUA announces that the PMUA executives are stepping down (see press release)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 – PMUA approves resolution #48-2011 that approves a partial settlement of $275,000. The resolution also makes clear that any remaining monies claimed owed to them will be settled through arbitration. Last working day for both employees is established as June 30, 2011. No mention is made of Watson and Ervin being compensated for sick and vacation days.
October 2011 – payroll records reflect that both Watson and Ervin are still listed as ACTIVE employees and receiving pay
December 2011 – PMUA provides Philip Charles with Agreements signed by Eric Watson / David Ervin and Commissioner Harold Mitchell. These agreements were dated June 22 and June 24. In this new agreement that was not approved in a public hearing, the PMUA indicates that the two employees shall remain employees until their sick and vacation days are exhausted.
January 10, 2012 – PMUA Commissioners approve resolution 11-2012 authorizing the settlement for Watson and Ervin in the amount of $725,000. This is in addition to the $275,000 that was approved in resolution 48-2011.
Both settlements total $1,000,000. With the sick day, vacation day, arbitrator, and attorney fees the total cost to the taxpayers is approximately $1.2 million.
We are asking all residents of Plainfield to sign a petition requesting that Governor Christie VETO the resolution for the severance package.
Other documents related to severance and employment of Eric Watson and David Ervin. The settlement letters and executive session minutes speak volumes.